


目前就读于北卡大学研究生课程的执行行政职责的学生 and/or assigned program related duties including instructional support but who is 而不是指导员. Students may be enrolled on a part or full time basis and are compensated in accordance with their agreement.

Graduate 助教奖学金 with Administrative Offices at UNC

Some administrative offices on the UNC campus hire graduate assistants. Click the button below to view listings for current administrative GA openings. 如果你申请 for an administrative assistantship, the application and any supporting materials should be directed to the contact person for the vacancy you are interested in. Application 材料将由招聘单位审核. 职位的空缺情况视情况而定 在资金.



研究生院,学生事务部,和多样性,公平部 and Inclusion have partnered to offer a day of workshops and training relevant to 研究生助理的角色. 会议如期举行 8月19日,周一,上午8:30.m.-4 p.m., via Zoom. 

GA会议是为在任何行政部门担任研究生助理的研究生准备的 校园办公室,包括大学GA的角色,研究生院,ORSP,体育, 学生事务部,多元化,公平和包容部(如 文化中心),住房,SOS, ASAP,全球参与办公室,娱乐, 诊所等. This full-day conference will offer opportunities to learn about setting 健康的界限、缓和冲突、监督和规划方面的最佳做法 对于困难的对话. There will also be required sessions on resources for 帮助陷入困境的学生和创造无骚扰环境的责任. 请到 注册链接. You can also choose to send yourself a calendar invite so you hold the date. 


为目前就读于皇冠app官方版下载学位的学生提供带薪就业机会 研究生阶段的课程. A student classified as a GTA teaches only undergraduate courses under supervision and may be instructor of record. 下列学生: GTA可以在研究生课程中支持研究生教员,但不提供指导 或评分,并可能期望从教师那里得到皇冠app安卓下载安装合作教学和评分的反馈. 


为正在攻读研究生学位的学生提供的带薪就业机会 有资格作为一个或多个本科生的记录讲师的项目 在HLC指导下的课程. A GPI does not require supervision and does not serve as a course coordinator or a supervisor for teaching assistants.

助教和兼职研究生年度教学会议 Instructors

设计了研究生兼职辅导员和研究生助教会议 为将来在皇冠app官方版下载任教的学生做准备. 如果您已签署或计划签署GPI 或2024年秋季和/或2025年春季的TA合同, 你必须参加会议. Each GPI and TA is responsible for ensuring registering and attending the GPI/TA 每年的会议. 年度培训会议于11月11日举行 Monday, Aug. 从早上八点半开始.m.-4 p.m., via Zoom. 

所有从事教学工作的研究生都必须参加年度教学会议 助理或研究生兼职讲师. 全天的会议提供了多种选择 of workshops targeting skill development and different levels of experience. Topics 包括准备教学,建立包容性的教学大纲,设定健康的界限, 管理课堂同侪评议,缓和冲突,创建包容性STEM classroom, and preparing and leading difficult conversations. 有些程序,比如 如数学和音乐,可能会提供特定学科的课程,同时提供一些普通课程 workshops. No matter how much experience you have teaching, there’s always something 新知识! There will also be required sessions on resources for assisting distressed students and responsibilities for creating harassment-free environments. Please go to 注册链接. You can also choose to send yourself a calendar invite so you hold the date. 

会议是 mandatory 所有gta和GPIs. If you have questions, please contact Cindy Wesley, Ph.D., 研究生院副院长 cindy.wesley@promisesurfing.net.


皇冠app安卓下载安装助学金合同、大学政策、学习和教学的信息 流程,学生的权利和责任,以及大学提供的服务 in a Handbook for Graduate Assistants, Graduate Part-time Instructors and Graduate 助教.

研究生助理、研究生兼职教师和研究生教学手册 Assistants (很快)


为了有资格获得教学或研究生助教奖学金,学生必须满足以下条件 要求:

  • 你必须被皇冠app官方版下载研究生学位课程录取,同时保持良好的学术成绩 站立(至少3分).累计平均绩点0) and not on academic probation. 平均成绩低于3分的学生.0和学术规定不得聘用 for assistantship positions until they earn at least a 3.在皇冠app官方版下载的平均绩点是0 满足规定.
  • 为了有资格获得学费减免,你必须保持至少3-10个研究生的注册 credit hours per semester during the agreement term. 
  • 如果只参加论文时间,你将被允许持有助教奖学金 最多两(2)个学期,前提是你至少注册了 每学期六(6)小时的论文.
  • 对于国际学生,用分数证明英语语言能力 indicating that communication in English is generally effective. 的通信 使用以下补偿策略完成任务并成功执行:
    • Functions generally performed clearly and effectively
    • Appropriate response typically given to the audience/situation
    • Coherent communication, with some effective cohesive devices
    • Generally accurate pronunciation, grammar, fluency and vocabulary
  • 研究生助理和助教的任命以全职工作为基础 在17周内每周工作20小时(15周学期加上前一周) 和课后)作为标准. 夏季以13周为基础,包括1周 之前和之后一周. Stipend is calculated based on minimum stipends and by degree level.
  • 你不能进行一次或多次超过20次的预约 任何学期每周几个小时.


  • 大学制定了标准基本工资表,规定了最低工资水平 所有研究生助教职位的工资中,有一个是硕士级别的(学生) 谁没有硕士学位或没有至少30个小时的毕业 工作)和一个博士级别的.
  • 大多数研究生助教职位除了提供学费援助外,还提供津贴 and partial fee waiver that covers a portion of Student Services and LEAF fees.
  • 一般来说,研究生助理在一个学期中每周有16-20个小时的预约 在该学期获得全额学费资助,学生被指定为8-15岁 每周几小时获得部分学费补助. 学生预约3-7小时 a week typically are not eligible for tuition assistance. 学术单位有灵活性 在决定学费减免时. 研究生院 will provide tuition waiver for 每学期3-10学时. Tuition is based on the number of credit hours enrolled.
  • Eligible students may receive nonresident tuition assistance for their first year 仅限注册. For subsequent years, only in-state tuition assistance may be provided. Any exceptions to this policy must be requested in writing and approved 由研究生院院长主持. Students must apply to change their tuition classification 从非居民到科罗拉多州居民. 有关学费分类的资料,请 请访问住院医师网页. 有关申请的截止日期和表格 从非居民到科罗拉多州居民的学费分类的变化,请访问 实习截止日期网页.
  • 你要为学生的健康保险、学费和学费负责 remaining fees not covered by your tuition and partial fee waivers. 


Your graduate assistantship agreement states that tuition and partial fee waivers 邮寄到学生帐单帐户 after the add/drop deadlines to accommodate enrollment changes. 随时了解 your assistantship, we encourage you to follow these steps:

  • Check your Ursa account. You will be able to view your fall bill starting Aug. 1. 你会发现细节 我在 http://salmonbayk8.promisesurfing.net/bursar/your-bill/. In the meantime, to obtain estimated cost information (e.g.(学费) 点击网上的学费计算器 http://apps.promisesurfing.net/tuitioncalc/.
  • 如果你有学生贷款,要意识到任何贷款的金额都可能在整个过程中进行调整 这个过程.
  • Check your student bill for the total number of credits enrolled.
  • 学费和部分费用减免将在增减期之后申请,以反映学费减免情况 any changes (add or dropped credits) made to your registration.
  • Once your waivers have posted, check your bill and pay the balance due by the Sept. 9 billing deadline to avoid service charges for any outstanding balance remaining.

如果GA/TA豁免支付的这一变化导致经济困难,请转至 位于校园公共区贝尔中心的财务办公室的收银窗口, 寻求帮助. Alternatively, you may phone 970-351-1198 or email Kathi.Bland@promisesurfing.net.

Stipends pay via direct deposit on the last business day of each month. 学年 从8月到5月,预约有10次津贴,还有学期预约 provide five equal payments, August through December and January through May. You 每个月的工资都是一样的吗.

如果您对GA/TA豁免付款时间表有任何疑问,请直接询问 them to bursar@promisesurfing.net.
